Prevalence of Musculoskeletal disorders of the Shoulder in a Hospital of the City of Buenos Aires – Retrospective study
Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | July-Dec 2017 | Page 20-23 | Muhafara, Gastón Jorge, Cura, Adriano Javier, Tozzi Walter Ariel, Villarruel Matias, Virgilio Sacha Ali, Mariano Alfredo, Esperón Luis Francisco
Authors: Muhafara, Gastón Jorge [1], Cura, Adriano Javier [1], Tozzi Walter Ariel [1], Villarruel Matias [1], Virgilio Sacha Ali [1], Mariano Alfredo [1], Esperón Luis Francisco [1].
[1] Hospital P . Piñero, Clínica Santa Catalina, University of Buenos Aires, Fundación Favaloro.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Muhafara,
Hospital P . Piñero, Clínica Santa Catalina, University of Buenos Aires, Fundación Favaloro.
Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder are recognized as the third cause of medical consultation with the health service, interfering in the activities of daily life of patients, both personally and at work. With regard to the diagnostic criteria, upon classifying the different pathologies, no universal consensus exists. In Argentina, no published data on individuals with this alteration who have received physical therapy (PT) treatment have been found. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of adult patients diagnosed with a shoulder pathology, who visited the outpatient Physical Therapy Department(PTD) of the Parmenio T. Piñero Hospital in a one-year period.
Materials and Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study. A search of the database of the PTD of the Parmenio T. Piñero Hospital was carried out, selecting the PT files of patients with a shoulder pathology who had a medical consultation between June 1, 2015 and May 31, 2016.
Results: During the period covered by the study, a total of 1423 patients had medical consultations with the PTD, with a prevalence of shoulder pathologies of 10.05 % (143/1423). The average age (SD) was 52.9 ± 16.74 years of age, with 56.64 % of females (n = 81). The patients analyzed were mainly housewives, retirees, and housekeepers. The main reason of consultations was the subacromial syndrome, with 53.85 % (n = 77), followed by trauma conditions, with 21.68 % (n = 31). The discontinuance rate was 51.74 %.
Conclusion: This study enabled us to know the epidemiological characteristics of adult patients with a shoulder pathology, who visited the Outpatient PTD of the Parmenio T. Piñero Hospital in a one- year period.
Key words: Prevalence, musculoskeletal disorders, shoulder, Hospital, physical therapy
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How to Cite this article: Jorge MG, Javier CA, Ariel WT, Matias V, Virgilio, Sacha V, Alfredo AM, Francisco EL. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder in a Hospital of the City of Buenos Aires. Retrospective study. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder in a Hospital of the City of Buenos Aires. Retrospective study. Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery July – Dec 2017;2(2):20-23 |
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