
Evaluation of Complications of Shoulder Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Sub acromial Pathologies

Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan- June 2019 | Page 7-12 | Alexandre de Almeida, Nayvaldo Couto de Almeida, Rafael Filipini Carraro, Samuel Pante, Ana Paula Agostini, Daniel C Agostini

Authors: Alexandre de Almeida [1], Nayvaldo Couto de Almeida [1], Rafael Filipini Carraro [2], Samuel Pante [1], Ana Paula Agostini [3], Daniel C Agostini [4].

[1] Department of Orthopaedic, Pompeia Hospital, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil
[2] Second Year Fellowship Resident at Pompeia Hospital, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil
[3] Department of Pediatrics, Caxias do Sul University, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil
[4] Department of Radiology, General Hospital, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Alexandre de Almeida,
Rua Vitório Buzelatto, 222/601. Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.
Zip: 95020290.


Objectives: to analyze the prevalence of complications of arthroscopic shoulder surgery for the treatment of sub acromial pathologies and verify if it is affected by sex, age, obesity, smoking habit or by the surgeon’s learning curve.
Methods: from Aug 2001 to Oct 2017, 1322 shoulders were treated for sub acromial pathologies by arthroscopic technique. One surgeon operated all the cases of subacromial pathologies. Exclusion criteria were revision surgeries and insufficient medical records, resulting in a total of 1246 patients.
Results: The analysis of the sample showed a significant predominance (p<0.0001) of the female patients (60.5%). The group of female patients had the highest age (p<0.001). There were complications in 197 patients. The prevalence of complications was 15.8%. Analyzing the female patients separately, a prevalence of complications of 16.5% was verified, while the male patients had 14.8% (p=0.432). Statistical analysis showed a higher prevalence of complications in younger patients (p=0.036). Obese patients (25.8% of the sample) had 13.4% of complications, while non-obese patients had 16.7% (p=0.161). The analysis of complications according to smoking habits did not show a higher prevalence of complications when comparing smokers and nonsmokers (p=0.492). The most frequent complication found in the study was stiffness, with 63 cases (32.5% of the complications). We found 36 cases of stiffness (6.3%) in the immobilized group with a common sling, while the immobilized group with a neutral rotation cushion of the MS presented 27 cases of stiffness (4%). The reduction of 2.3% with the use of sling in neutral rotation was not considered significant (p = 0.066). We analyzed the first 400 arthroscopic cases with the last 400 cases operated. 20.8% of complications were found in the first 400 cases operated and 10.5% in the last 400 cases (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The prevalence of complications of arthroscopic shoulder surgery for the treatment of sub acromial disorders was 15.8%. It was not possible to demonstrate sex, obesity and smoking as risk factors for shoulder arthroscopy complications. It was possible to demonstrate that the age under 65 years and the surgeon’s learning curve significantly affect the prevalence of complications after shoulder arthroscopy.
Keywords: shoulder, arthroscopy, complications.


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How to Cite this article: Almeida A, Almeida N, Carraro R F, Pante S, Agostini A P, Agostini D C. Evaluation of Complications of Shoulder Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Sub acromial Pathologies. Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jan- June 2019;3(1):7-12.

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