Derotational humerus osteotomy and teres major tenotomy for recurrent posterior shoulder instability: A case report
Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | July-December 2019 | Page 6-10 | Jad Chbib Abi Raad, Denis Bouttens, Simon Lebbos, Christophe Obry
Authors: Jad Chbib Abi Raad [1], Denis Bouttens [1], Simon Lebbos [1], Christophe Obry [1].
[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Fondation Hopale – Institut Calot (France)
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jad Chbib Abi Raad ,
Fondation Hopale – Institut Calot (France)
Posterior instability represents about 10 percent of shoulder instabilities. It enclose dislocation or more frequently posterior sub luxation. Posterior instability can be also associated with constitutional laxity and multidirectional instability. The factors related to this instability depends of the etiology (traumatic, atraumatic), bony factors (glenoid and humeral head, defects, ante and retroversions) and the soft tissues. We describe a case of 28 year old lady, with recurrent posterior shoulder instability despite 3 previous interventions (2 posterior bone blocks and a glenoid osteotomy). For the treatment we combined two techniques: Derotational humerus osteotomy and Teres major tenotomy. We found that Derotational humerus osteotomy can be used as an alternative for glenoid osteotomy, or after failed glenoid osteotomy, to treat the instability. It can be associated with teres major tenotomy which was previously described mainly for voluntary posterior dislocation.
Keywords: Posterior instability, Posterior subluxation , Laxity, Derotational osteotomy, Teres major tenotomy, voluntary, involuntary.
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How to Cite this article: Jad Chbib Abi Raad J, Bouttens D, Lebbos S, Obry C. Derotational humerus osteotomy and teres major tenotomy for recurrent posterior shoulder instability: A Case report. Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery July – Dec 2019; 3(2): 6-10. |
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