Currently, ASES is accepting submissions only by its article submission System “Scripture”. Registration and login to SCRIPTURE are required to submit articles to Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and to check the status of current submissions. Authors should submit their manuscripts online using the online electronic submission system ‘Scripture’ developed for this journal by IORG. Please click on the links below if you are ready to submit your article.

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Article Charges: There are no charges for submitting the manuscript or for peer review and decision on the manuscript. Authors will usually receive a decision on their manuscript within 8-12 weeks.

Format all articles according to Journal Guidelines: Click here for Journal Guidelines

Copyright Letter: Download Here

Conflict of Interest forms: Download Here 

(COI form is a special Pdf which can not be opened in the browser, download it using the above link, yellow arrow as in below picture indicates the download option)

Conflict of Interest forms are according to Guidelines by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and Each Authors details have to fill separately and submitted with the manuscript. Plagiarism is not permitted and Journal will check every article for plagiarism using ‘Plagtracker’ and google search.

Article submission Charges: None

Article Publishing charges: Applied

ASES will maintain the open access policy and will continue to run with contributions from authors and donations from academic partners.