Dynamic Anatomy of Elbow Stability
Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | July-Dec 2017 | Page 30-32 | Juan Del Castillo, Rodrigo Fratelli, Mauricio Oehler, Nicolás Casales, Viviana Teske, Domingo Beltramelli
Authors: Juan Del Castillo [1], Rodrigo Fratelli [1], Mauricio Oehler [1], Nicolás Casales [1], Viviana Teske [1], Domingo Beltramelli [1].
[1] Departamento de Anatomía Facultad de Medicina UdelaR (Anatomy Department, School of Medicine, University of the Republic of Uruguay
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Juan Del Castillo,
Departamento de Anatomía
Facultad de Medicina UdelaR
(Anatomy Department, School of Medicine, University of the Republic of Uruguay
Background: Elbow dislocation leads to varying degree of instabilities depending on the ligaments damaged and amount of damage to these ligaments. Various studies have noted role of these ligaments and present study is a dynamic cadaveric study to understand these instabilities better
Material and Methods: 10 cadaveric elbows maintained in 10% formaldehyde concentration were employed. Healthy joint upper limbs were prepared, and the elbow joint was further dissected. The different joint osseous and ligament stabilizers were sectioned by stages, and their implication on the stability of the elbow joint complex was recorded.
Results: Collateral ligaments were confirmed to be the main ligament stabilizers in the elbow. The lateral complex controls both varus and posterolateral stress. The medial collateral complex controls valgus stress, mainly thanks to its anterior bundle. The radial head plays a secondary role, controlling valgus stress once the medial collateral complex has been sectioned. Once radial head has been replaced, valgus stress stability is regained
Conclusion: The role of elbow stabilizers has been determined, and our results are consistent with those of international literature
Keywords: Elbow Instability, Cadaveric Study
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How to Cite this article: Castillo JD, Fratelli R, Oehler M, Casales N, Teske V, Beltramelli D. Dynamic anatomy of elbow stability . Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery July – Dec 2017;2(2):30-32. |